Week by Week by Week: Pregnancy Vlog

**Week 37: Feeling the Baby Drop**.

In this week’s vlog, I’m sharing my experience with the baby dropping. This is a common occurrence in the third trimester, and it can cause a variety of symptoms, including increased pressure on the bladder and rectum, back pain, and difficulty sleeping..

I’ve been feeling the baby drop for the past few weeks, and it’s definitely been a noticeable change. I’m now able to breathe more easily, and I’m not having as much back pain. However, I am having to pee more frequently, and I’m finding it more difficult to get comfortable at night..

Overall, I’m feeling good and excited to meet my baby soon!.

**What is the baby dropping?**.

The baby dropping is a term used to describe the descent of the baby’s head into the pelvis. This usually happens in the third trimester, and it’s a sign that the baby is getting ready for birth..

There are a number of factors that can contribute to the baby dropping, including the baby’s size and position, the mother’s pelvic shape, and the amount of amniotic fluid..

**What are the symptoms of the baby dropping?**.

The symptoms of the baby dropping can vary from woman to woman. Some women may experience only mild symptoms, while others may experience more severe symptoms..

Some of the most common symptoms of the baby dropping include:.

* Increased pressure on the bladder and rectum.

* Back pain.

* Difficulty sleeping.

* Changes in bowel movements.

* Braxton Hicks contractions.

**How can I relieve the symptoms of the baby dropping?**.

There are a number of things you can do to relieve the symptoms of the baby dropping, including:.

* Wearing a support belt.

* Taking prenatal yoga or exercise classes.

* Swimming.

* Massaging your back.

* Applying a warm compress to your back.

* Taking a warm bath.

**When should I call my doctor?**.

If you’re experiencing any severe symptoms of the baby dropping, such as severe back pain, difficulty breathing, or vaginal bleeding, you should call your doctor immediately..


The baby dropping is a normal part of pregnancy, and it’s usually not a cause for concern. However, if you’re experiencing any severe symptoms, you should call your doctor immediately..

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