Get drive-through service anywhere

If your baby likes to sleep in the car seat, count your blessings. Better to have a car-sleeper than a car-screamer.

You’ve also got the perfect excuse to patronize nearby drive-through businesses as a destination. My favorites were the slightly-far In-N-Out and the not-very-close drive-through Starbucks.

The real magic can happen when you’re creative and persuasive (and grateful!). You might get normal businesses to serve you curbside if business is slow.

As I was doing our environment a disservice by driving around to keep Holden asleep, I called up a local baby emporium (Baby World on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland) and asked if they could possibly come outside and take my credit card and bring me a size Medium sleep sack and a feeding chair. Score! I’ve had luck with this technique with regular retail stores like kids clothes and non-drive-through restaurants. Most businesses are happy to take your money outside if you’re polite and explain the situation. Finally, cash makes it easier.

If your baby is a car napper, keep the phone number of such helpful businesses in your phone.


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