A Very Rookie Summer with Alana + Dan

Voila! It’s the second installment of our Very Rookie Summer series.

Baby S.A. is 9 months old and lives in Nashville, TN with his parents, Alana and Dan, who wrote it to share two summer adventures with us.

Swimming at the YMCA outdoor pool.

This one seems obvious, but I think a lot of new moms are afraid to take their baby into a pool. We started taking our son, S.A., to the Y pool when he was 6 months old. We wanted him to feel comfortable in water. He is now 9 months old and loves the pool (and bath time too!). I put on his UV shirt, swim diaper and trunks, grab sun screen and a sippy cup of water and we’re ready to go.

Since we live in the city (Nashville, TN) and don’t have our own pool, going to the Y is a great way to cool off during the summer and build community. I always see other moms from the neighborhood or our church at the Y pool. And if you’re not currently a YMCA member, you can always sign up for just the summer.

Summer hair cut.

I was hesitant to cut my 9 month old’s hair, but it was getting kinda wild and uneven. After some coaxing by my mom, my husband and I decided to give S.A. a summer haircut. I broke out the scissors and went to town.

It was an easy process since we sat him in the Bumbo and used scissors instead of the loud, scary clippers. He didn’t even realize what was going on. I cut off FOUR precious inches of hair {and of course saved some locks for his baby book} and now he looks like a big boy!

More from Alana (aka Nala): She blogs at nalasmagic.typepad.com.

Related Rookie Mom Activities:

Activity #96: Go swimming
Activity #559: Use Bumbo seats for a photo shoot

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