What We Do: Healthcare, Maternity and Babes Advocacy Line

With this initiative, the hotline is envisioned to address emergency situations, provide healthcare-related information, and guide clients to the appropriate health services they need. Other related information, such as empowering mothers to learn about their health and rights, is also being provided. Apart from facilitating healthcare services, the hotline also aims to promote reporting and documentation of cases of violence against women and girls, as well as referring them to appropriate service providers. The setting up of this hotline is aligned with the Philippine government’s commitment to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. “When our mothers, our babies, and our girls are safe and healthy, we are more likely to have healthy families … and progressive communities. The hotline is a commitment to strengthen our health systems, and provide quality and equitable health services to all Filipinos,” UNFPA Country Representative Dr. Leila Joudane emphasized. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health (DOH) has also partnered with UNFPA to expand the hotline services. DOH has capacitated Metro Manila’s barangay health workers as community frontliners to provide proper guidance and healthcare information to the public. Aside from addressing maternal health concerns, the hotline also provides guidance on COVID-19, including symptom recognition, prevention, and where to seek appropriate healthcare services. UNFPA has supported the Philippine government and the DOH in establishing this 24/7 hotline to ensure that women, girls, and other vulnerable groups continue to receive essential sexual and reproductive health services and information amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The hotline is available 24/7 and offers free mental health and psychosocial support services to women and girls who have experienced gender-based violence. For emergencies, DOH also provides transport assistance to clients to ensure that they can access health facilities and other essential services. To access the 24/7 hotline services, the public may call the following numbers: Globe/TM: 0917-599-0023 Smart/Sun/TNT: 0920-903-4614 PLDT/Smart/Sun/TNT: 1555 PLDT/Smart/Sun/TNT: *43434 (toll-free landline) The hotline is also available via Facebook Messenger through the official page: http://www.facebook.com/maternityhotlineph Additionally, the DOH also provides the following helplines for mental health and psychosocial support: National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 0917-899-USAP (8727); 989-USAP; 1553 (landline toll-free) Natasha Goulbourn Crisis Support: 0917-558-4673 Hopeline: 0918-873-4673 The DOH reminds the public to continue adhering to health protocols, such as wearing face masks, regular handwashing, and physical distancing, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For more information, please visit the DOH website at www.doh.gov.ph or follow their official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DepartmentOfHealthPH..

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