Pregnancy Mamas Go Ahead and Take a Nap: Science Shows Its Good for You and Baby

Pregnant mamas, go ahead and take that nap! Science shows it’s good for you and baby..

A new study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, found that pregnant women who napped for at least one hour during the day had a lower risk of developing gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia..

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and can lead to a number of complications, including premature birth, low birth weight, and birth defects. Pre-eclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that can lead to high blood pressure, seizures, and even death..

The study included over 9,000 women who were followed from early pregnancy until delivery. The women were asked about their napping habits, as well as their health and lifestyle factors..

The researchers found that women who napped for at least one hour during the day had a 14% lower risk of developing gestational diabetes and a 21% lower risk of developing pre-eclampsia..

The researchers also found that the benefits of napping were greatest for women who were overweight or obese. These women had a 26% lower risk of developing gestational diabetes and a 37% lower risk of developing pre-eclampsia if they napped for at least one hour during the day..

The researchers believe that napping may help to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia by improving blood sugar control and reducing inflammation..

So, if you’re a pregnant mama, don’t be afraid to take a nap! It’s good for you and baby..

Here are a few tips for getting a good nap during pregnancy:.

* Find a comfortable spot to nap in. This could be your bed, a couch, or even a recliner..

* Make sure the room is dark, quiet, and cool..

* If you can’t fall asleep right away, don’t force it. Just relax and let your mind wander..

* Wake up when you feel refreshed. Don’t nap for too long, or you’ll end up feeling groggy..

Napping is a great way to relax and rejuvenate during pregnancy. So, take advantage of it and enjoy those naps!.

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